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Role Description: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Champion

Writer's picture: OurGenforInclusivePeaceOurGenforInclusivePeace

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

What is OGIP? Our Generation for Inclusive Peace (OGIP) is a feminist platform that aims to advance, shape, and influence the Women, Peace, & Security (WPS) and Youth, Peace, & Security (YPS) agendas to be more inclusive, intersectional, and decolonized through advancing young voices and experiences. Through our three pillars-research, advocacy, and outreach-we provide a platform for young voices to expand and push forward conversations on WPS and YPS. We aim to advocate for the redistribution of power in security spaces, aiming to contribute to an inclusive, positive peace.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Champion Role Description

OGIP is an intersectional feminist organization. We know that being an intersectional organization is hard work, and we’re looking for an expert in equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) to make sure that we’re doing it right. While all OGIP community members are responsible for centreing EDI and anti-oppression in their work, as our EDI champion, you will work with OGIP to build the necessary tools and structures into the organization to ensure inclusion and anti-oppression are core to everything we do.


  • Help us build a feminist organization that puts inclusivity and anti-oppression at the centre of our work

  • Work collaboratively with all sections of OGIP to provide advice, guidance and support on equality and diversity issues

  • Build tools and initiatives to help community members develop knowledge and ability to mainstream EDI into all OGIP activities

  • Address any community or public EDI concerns pertaining to OGIP’s work

  • Develop an organizational EDI policy that will be incorporated into OGIP’s mission, vision, and working principles

Skills and Experience

Here are some of the skills and experience that we think would help you in this role. But don’t be limited to just this list - we’re more interested in hearing what skills and experience you think are needed for this role:

  • Knowledge in anti-oppression and EDI best practices

  • Experience facilitating anti-oppression training

  • Experience integrating EDI considerations and policies into organizational operations

  • Ability to translate anti-oppression and EDI ideas into practice

  • Ability to set timelines and work independently to meet organizational needs

  • Commitment to OGIP’s values and working principles

  • Respect for diversity and commitment to anti-oppression

  • An understanding of feminist principles, women human rights, youth movements and feminist advocacy

  • Flexibility and adaptability to work collaboratively with a diverse and remote team

Application process Through the application process we want to get to know you, what you stand for and what you will bring to OGIP. For the application we ask you to submit your CV and respond to the following four questions. Your response can be in written, video, audio or any alternative form of media. 1. What does feminist peace mean to you? 2. Why are you interested in engaging with OGIP? 3. What will you bring to OGIP? And to this role?

4. Why do you feel that ensuring the inclusion of diverse youth voices in peace and security is important? Responses to the application will be reviewed by a recruitment committee formed of a member of each of OGIPs three pillars. Applications will be assessed based on:

  • Your alignment with OGIPs values

  • Your motivation to be involved with OGIP

  • The experience, perspective and skills you can bring to OGIP

Once shortlisting has taken place successful candidates will be invited to interview with the recruitment committee. Interviews will take place over Skype and time will be flexible to take into account time zones and other commitments you may have.

Please submit your CV and responses to the four questions above to by 2nd May, 2020. Please contact us if you require any accommodations, assistance, or more time to submit your application.

Working practices

OGIP is an intersectional feminist organization that has a non-hierarchical structure. In practice this means that everyone in the organization has equal say and equal power in decision making processes. We meet on a biweekly basis and aim to communicate regularly. As a voluntary role we do not dictate the amount of time you will need to dedicate weekly to OGIP; this will be flexible depending on the changing workload of your role and your personal commitments. We do, however, ask that before applying you ensure that you are driven to engage with a new and developing organization and have in mind the level of commitment you will be able to make as this will be discussed during your interview.

The OGIP team is global and all work is undertaken online through various platforms. We work across global time zones which is taken into account in team planning.

OGIP believes in fair compensation for labour. However, we believe that compensation need not always be defined as monetary. Currently, all members of the OGIP community are involved on a voluntary basis and their valuable work is compensated in diverse ways. We have intentionally not yet registered as a charity to maintain the grassroots nature of this platform. This means that there are no funds currently involved with the administration and programs of OGIP. While we are highly sensitive to the gendered impact of unpaid labour, especially on youth, we work hard to compensate our community for their time in other ways, whether it is through professional development, building your network, support in job hunting, or educational opportunities. Please come to your interview prepared to discuss how you would like to be compensated for your work if you are to join the OGIP community.

Founding membership OGIP is still very new, having launched in 2019, and is a continually growing organization. We are looking for individuals who will shape and influence who we are as an organisation as we continue to develop over the coming months and years. By joining the organization at this stage you will be considered a ‘co-founder’.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

As OGIP is a youth led organization we will only be accepting applications from those aged 35 and under.(1) OGIP is an intersectional feminist organization and accepts applications from anyone of any gender identity.

We particularly encourage applications from individuals from groups who are currently underrepresented in global decision making processes, in peace and security, including but not limited to Black, Indigenous, minority ethnic, people of colour, residents of the global south, disabled and LGBTQI+ applicants.

Please submit your application to by 2nd May, 2020. Please contact us if you require any accommodations, assistance, or more time to submit your application.


(1) Please get in touch if you feel as though this age bracket of youth is not applicable in your cultural context, OGIP’s definition of youth is flexible extending the binary definition based on contextual realities and national youth policy directives to acknowledge the flexibility of the concept.


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