Join a community. Shake up halls of power. Let your expertise shine.
About the Network
The OGIP Advocates Network is a forum to raise the profile of young people working to make peace and security more inclusive and equitable. As a founding network member, you will play a leadership role in shaping the network’s activities. Right now, the Advocates Network has three goals:
Peer support and professional development: peace and security is a field dominated by an older generation and largely shaped by patriarchal institutions from the Global North. Young people working in this space often face isolation and insurmountable barriers. Help us create a supportive community that equips and supports young people to be leaders in peace and security.
Support young people in connecting to “high-level” spaces, and support institutions to diversify youth representatives and delegates in peace and security initiatives: often the inclusion of youth delegates and representatives are an afterthought to peace and security initiatives. We’re building a roster of qualified young experts who can be connected to “high-level” institutions and policy makers to support the diversification of peace and security. We will focus our efforts on working primarily within YPS and WPS forums.
Raise the profiles of youth as experts in peace and security: youth are peace and security experts in their own right. We will work with network members to find opportunities to share your work and expertise.
What’s in it for you?
Through this network, you will have the opportunity to:
Be part of a global community of young people working in peace and security
Access professional development and peer support opportunities
Have your work amplified by OGIP and partners
Access international policy spaces, including representing OGIP at global events
Raise your profile as an expert in your field
Help increase synergies between the WPS and YPS agendas
Shape the Network to suit your needs
Members of the Network can choose to have their profiles platformed on the OGIP website. We will use this platform to support your work, and to advocate for youth inclusion and gender equality in peace and security spaces. Please note that you are still able to participate in the Network and choose not to have your information shared publicly. OGIP will work with you to find opportunities to profile your work, and to push back on false narratives of unqualified or disengaged youth.
Who we’re looking for
The Advocates Network is a new initiative that will be shaped and driven by its members. OGIP will facilitate Network coordination, and will help shape a platform that meets your needs. We ask that applicants to the Network at this time are committed to collaboratively and actively engaging in the development of the Network.
Criteria for membership is simple:
Be a young person working to advance inclusive peace and security.
Be committed to advancing gender equality and youth participation in peace and security spaces. You do not need to work specifically on these issues, all we ask is a commitment to these principles.
Be committed to working collaboratively with peers to advance current peace and security structures, policies and practices to be more inclusive, intersectional and decolonized.
Please note you do not need to be affiliated with an organization to apply.
Some important information
Due to significant interest in the Advocates Network, we anticipate receiving a large volume of applications. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to open the Network to all applicants at this time. Applications will be assessed based on diversity, including diverse geographic representation, experience in any form of peace and security work, and commitment to advancing gender equity and youth participation in peace and security.
We understand how much work goes into new applications. If your application is not selected in this first round, we will keep your application on file and may invite you to join the Advocates Network at a future time. Decisions will be communicated to all applicants by mid-October.
Please note that equity and anti-oppression are core to OGIP’s work. Please only apply if you are committed to creating a safe environment for all participants. OGIP aims to make joining the Network as easy as possible; if you need accommodations or additional support to make this application process and your participation in the network more accessible, then contact us at and we will be in touch to find out how best we can support you.
Deadline for Applications is October 3, 2020, 11:59 EST
To Apply, visit:

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this network for? OGIP’s Advocates Network is for young people who work in any capacity to advance inclusive peace and security. If you believe advancing gender equality and decolonising international structures are essential to achieving just and inclusive peace and you want to work alongside like-minded young people from all over the world, then this network is for you.
What is involved with joining the Advocacy Network? By applying to be an inaugural network member, you can be profiled on the OGIP website and get to play a leadership role in developing the OGIP Advocates Network. OGIP is grounded in collaboration and the network will develop in line with the needs, preferences and passions of the Network member. Members will join regular global meet ups with other members to develop professional and peer connections, shape joint learning opportunities, be able to participate in speaking and delegation events, support and shape OGIP’s advocacy activities.
What does the application process look like? Getting involved is easy! Complete the written application form here or answer the questions in the form by sending in a video or audio recording of your answers to OGIP aims to make joining the Network as easy as possible; If you need accommodations to make this application process and your participation in the network more accessible, then contact us at and we will be in touch to find out how best we can support you. Applications will be assessed based on diversity including diverse geographic representation, experience in any form of peace and security work, and commitment to advancing gender equality and youth participation in peace and security
What are the qualifications for joining? - Be a young person working to advance inclusive peace and security. - Be committed to advancing gender equality and youth participation in peace and security spaces. - Be committed to working collaboratively with peers to advance current peace and security structures, policies and practices to be more inclusive, intersectional and decolonized. Please note you do not need to be affiliated with an organization to apply.
How do you define youth? OGIP defines youth as anyone up to the age of 35. However, we recognize that definitions of youth vary across different cultures and societies, and we embrace this definition to be flexible based on contextual realities. If you are above the age 35 but still believe your work is relevant to OGIP’s mission and vision, please get in touch with us at the email below.
Can I still be involved in the network without being profiled on the OGIP website? Absolutely. We understand that it is not safe for many people advancing peace to profile their work. Safeguarding and security are top priorities for OGIP; you can still be a member of the Youth Advocates Network without having your information profiled. Please let us know if you do not wish to be profiled on our website (there is space to do this on the application form).
I need support to apply and participate in the Advocacy Network, can OGIP facilitate this? OGIP aims to make joining the Network as easy as possible; If you need accommodations to make this application process and your participation in the network more accessible, then contact us at and we will be in touch to find out how best we can support you. You can submit your application through the written form, or you can send a video or audio recording of your responses to the questions in the application form to